
The Spirit Engine 2: Full Soundtrack – (Five CD Set for $12)


On June 22nd, Amanda and I will be flying ONE-WAY to San Francisco, California.  We’re both extremely excited to get to the bay, where we’ll be staying in a hostel while we apartment hunt for a week before she starts work at Eventbrite.  This week, in the meantime, has been filled with goodbyes and seeing places in our hometowns that we will definitely miss (read: Qdoba).

To celebrate (and, yes, to help raise a little money), I’ve reprinted the FULL SOUNDTRACK TO The Spirit Engine 2 (4 disc set) on physical media! I’m selling it, ALONG WITH the GunGirl 2 soundtrack CD for $12!  Also, everyone who orders will receive 50% off the Ravenmark: Scourge of Estellion soundtrack when it’s released later this year (an additional 30 minutes of music)!

So that makes FIVE CDs for $12!!  *head-explode*

Please go grab all five CDs for $12!


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